General Category > DarkTerra Combat System
Specialty Loads
How doable are these? I am talking hollowpoint, hydra-shok rounds, armor piercing, etc.
Certainly doable, just not in the rules yet.
Hollowpoints do more damage, yet penetrate less, armor piercing are the opposite. I guess the easist thing would be an extra column in the Bullet Damage table like DAM/PEN
If the number is a +, you add it to the damage, or the Armor, if its a minus, you subtract... most loads would have a + and - I would think... or not :) Some really exotic rounds would do both + and a Subsonic round would have a - in both...
Excellent question Gil, I'll go update the Bullet Damage table :)
Ok, on second thought, I created an entirely new listing for each of the different types of rounds, then addes a PEN (Penetration) Value for each. The PEN value is applied to armor before caclulating damage.
New Charts will be up in the Download section shortly :)
Edit : First few changes made, only did a couple of the rounds to give you an idea what I have in mind Click here or go to the downloads section :)
PEN is a good idea and using the +/- like you are doing *should* help keep it simple.
Any other special effects can be listed in the ammunition description.
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