5/04/17Well, so much for an update sooner than a year :p But I'm updating it now sort of. Its been so long it took me a while to figure out where to go to DO the update...
4/22/14ZOMG!! An update!!

Ive been doing very minor stuff to the site, and apparently myself and everyone else has really gotten busy in the last ... has it been a year? wow. Anyway, my intention with DarkTerra has always been that it would be a system for ANY genre. I chose Post Apocalyptic to start with for 2 reasons, one, its my favorite genre, and two, it uses a wider variety of ... well, everything, than any other genre. You have swords, guns, mutations (which leads naturally to magic), large animals, other races, etc. Today though, I have started on the first "Module" or "Expansion" for DT, Modern Day Zombie Apocalypse (yes, Im aware that everyone is doing ZA these days, but its what im interested in right now, so there ya go

. I dont have anything much for the rules yet, but I've updated the main rule book with some Zombie stats, and I'll be putting together some additional rules and such that will get uploaded eventually (hopefully sooner than a year :p ).
2/18/13Minor stuff at the moment. I created a couple of new articles, and made an Update Archive post, so this area of the front page is more compact.
2/15/13 Ok, so that took a LOT longer than expected LOL

But I got the Zip file up in the Downloads section, it has everything you need to play the game. However, you MUST register in order to download it. Sorry about that, but registration is relatively painless, and its free...
1/28/13 Im making another run through the rules and cleaning up this and that. And im going to put together a new "pack" (ok, a zip file) of the rules, and all the charts and tables that you need to play the game. Right now,all I have up is the actual rules themselves. Hopefully the pack will be up in the next day or two.
1/25/13 Ok, there is a form on the site for use in case you need to contact the Admin (me

) and cant use the Forums or whatever (registration problems for example). There are various links scattered about, and
here as well.
1/24/13 Ok, so I updated the site finally and just broke the hell out of it. It was touch and go for a bit there, but I think I've recovered everything AND gotten all the software up to the latest and greatest versions. While I was at it, I created a new Logo to replace the one I was using, as the old Theme was completely incompatible with the latest version of SMF. I've added a bunch of new features though, including a LOT of anti-spammer mods, so if you have any trouble registering on the Site, use the email form and let me know.
4/02/11 Registration is back on, and the spammers are at it again. Crazy... anyway, Special thanks to the Morrow Project mailing list, a couple of them have registered, hopefully that means they are checking out the rules. If you guys have any questions/Problems, please let me know.